Intergalactic Federation

+2 Flexibility
+4 Perception
+4 Charisma
-20% Spell cast time
+50% Illusion Spell effectiveness

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Greetings! 👾 👽Showcasing the Intergalactic Federation collection. As we can witness, they have a cute and funny alien face, yes, very handsome indeed. Other symbols present on these pieces, as part of the collection standard I suppose, are the Intergalactic federation "logo" with the Golden Eye Words in the 6pointed star in space with many other stars reminding us that in love we are never alone for we are many in this wild ship we inhabit. The ever present duality of this realm is also present with these designs keeping us focused on a non-dualistic approach towards life (we are many... of the same ahahah funny?). The green pushes us into the heart center, just as the 6pointed star, that I like to use as a short 2D symbol for the Merkaba, our energetic vehicle (everything that we are, yes? who knows really), again tying into the inner space voyager theme. Big green Alien.To tidy it all up there are Golden stripes for Golden fashion (an elite regal feel to it) and 2 Golden Pentacles. The 2 of Pentacles symbolizes flexibility and fun, a juggling of sorts (like a funny yogi that wants to stay grounded but also is breathing in really deep like a MaNiAc getting really high off the ground levitating).The whole art style, in my opionion, forwards the idea that life is like a video game 🎮

This collection, with it's vibrant contrasting colours and various symbols, is light hearted and celestial focused with a hint of "consipracy theory" statements.

Clear Skies

+30% Debuff Resist
-40% Debuff Duration
+3 Attunement
+4 Flexibility
+21% Alteration effectiveness

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One of the more simple designs, this collection aims to create calm, focused, and uplifting states of mind. Bearing light colors and empowering alien green stripes, this collection is like the fresh chilly breeze on the mountain top during a sunny early winter morning.


+8 Telepathy
-3 Verbal Coherance
+1 Charisma
+30% Spotaneous Combustion
-20% Chance of Abduction

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They are among us